Lockdown in Newport with dem ol’ Covid Blues again Mama


Or in other words, Lockdown v2.0 Day 0. To be honest it has been a bit like watching a train wreck in very slow motion. I have to assume that the UK and Welsh Governments were privy to the same information that I was:- only 1 in 5 tested positive for Covid actually self-isolating, large social gatherings including illegal raves, holidaymakers visiting countries against Government advice and then not quarantining on return, reduced success rates for Track & Trace due to people giving false or no information. And some people questioned why the UK didn’t adopt the Sweden model of collective responsibility!!!

Once it became clear that although the Covid rate had reduced it wasn’t going to hit zero, and with a lot of the population acting as if it was all over, there was only going to be one outcome. Now if you decree that Pubs and Restaurants must shut early and only provide table service, then you are effectively saying that community transmission in pubs and restaurants has been significant and the establishments haven’t been managing social distancing. In which case, why not shut them? Probably something to do with the 3.5 million employees in the sector and the loss in revenue involved………but next time around maybe?….in about 3 weeks.

The next few weeks will define whether there is any possibility of an Autumn/Winter river campaign or whether I might as well pack the gear away until better times. I’m not overly optimistic.

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